Location Change- July Assessors Meeting

Tomorrow’s meeting will be held at the town office and via zoom.

Assessors Meeting

Tuesday, July 9th at 5pm

At the Town Office and via Zoom

Meeting ID: 475 821 6435


  • Minutes of June 12th
  • Warrant 07-2024
  • Treasurer’s Report 

Old Business:

  • Department Reports
    • Tax Collector/ Clerk/ Registrar of Voters
    • Fire 
    • Wharf 
      • Somatex Update
  • Broadband (CBAC)
  • METF Update
  • Sea Level Rise Projects Update
  • FOMVFD Health Survey/Community meeting  
  • Consolidated Easement
  • Storm Damage
  • Insurance 
  • Island Institute Fellow
  • Any Other Old Business

New Business:

  • Breakwater
  • First Aid Station
  • Any New Business
  • Next Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 475 821 6435

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Meeting ID: 475 821 6435

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