December Assessors Meeting

Assessors Meeting

Tuesday, December 12th at 5pm

At the Town Office and via Zoom

Meeting ID: 475 821 6435


  • Minutes of November 9th
  • Warrant 12-2023
  • Treasurer’s Report 

Old Business:

  • Department Reports

                 o   Tax Collector/ Clerk/ Registrar of Voters                 o   Fire                   o   Wharf                          o Somatex Update

  • Broadband (CBAC)
  • METF Update
  • Water Company
  • Sea Level Rise Projects Update
    • Follow-up on November 6th Wharf Resiliency Presentation
  • FOMVFD Health Survey/Community meeting  
  • Consolidated Easement
  • Treasurer Opening
  • Any Other Old Business

New Business:

  • Any New Business
  • Next Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 475 821 6435

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Meeting ID: 475 821 6435

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